For He Leadeth Me


Date: 28th Jan 2022
Theme: *For He Leadeth Me*
Text: *Psalm 23 : 1-6*
Minister: Rev.

*What is leading you?*
A friend, your flesh, your lust, social media... (Prov. 16:25)
- It is only a shepherd who can lead one... But who's this shepherd?
- We should know that only your best friend can lead you and you'll follow without suspicion (v2 TPTV)
- How do we know shepherd *(John 10:1-5,11,14)*
- He know his own and call them by name and leaded them out v3 Does God know you?
- When the Lord (your shepherd) knows you by name he brings you out of any problem you may find yourself.
- If the shepherd is leading you, he goes before you and with that you won't be hurt cos he takes Care of it already.
- Jesus is the Good shepherd *(v11,14,27)*
- *Romans 3:1-2 * we need to consult with our Oracle as Christians  *(Romans 8:14, John 6:63)*  if you don't interact with the word of God you are helpless, because the word of God is spirit and life *(Heh. 1:2)*
- The first step to being led is in the scriptures
- He leads us via His word
- If you're His sheep you'll surely hear His voice; the still small voice. (He leadeth me beside a still water)
- If your life is nor for Signs and wonders, check it, check what you have or what you've heard or who you're following as a shepherd *(Isaiah 8:18-20, Gal. 1:8-8, Mark 9:5-8)*
- Let Jesus have the final say in your life *( 2Tim. 3:16-17 NLT)*
- *How do I know if He is leading me ? Isaiah 55:6-12*
- His ways are not our thoughts nor his ways our way, his word is ever sure... That's why we need His leading
- We need to know that being led by the spirit of God is the birthright of every child of God
- God does not give you excuse While He's leading you...
- Every obstacles give way when God is leading you.
*The question is will you allow him to lead you?*
*Remember that to be lead by Him you must be His.*



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