Scaling through life difficulties


Human race most of the time, is not always devoid of ups and downs. Although, nobody plans or prays to face any challenges in life...but the truth is that it will come.

Now hear this, _the probability or possibility of you not being swiped of feet anytime difficulties comes is by planning towards and expectance of it._ what do i mean by that...?

You see *if one fail to plan  surely one is actually planning to fail.* So when setting your resolutions whether new year, monthly or even daily resolutions make sure you remember "ups and downs"

Am i now saying that one should be praying for difficulties, NO, but then one have to know that it's a constant, also these difficult situations at times can be related to *Change,* i.e. it's constant although everyone's ups and downs might not be the same.

*Now to be able to scale through perfectly anytime you're faced with challenges, you need God,* let Him be the Nucleus of your resolutions, let him direct you. Don't be far away from God so as not to get stuck in that _Zone_ if at all you find yourself there somehow.

Life without God is useless and void, don't be proud, submit to God and let him lead you so you won't be caught up or become cheaply prey to life's circumstances.

Good morning🥰❤️



  1. Good morning ability
    Thank you for this piece.
    Keep being a blessing sir


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